Birthdays always need........
Birthdays always need a balloon.
A Moose head (don't pull that face its essential, no home is complete without one!)
Nice cards, and funny cards.
Somewhere interesting to spend the day
Candles, lots and lots of candles, and lets not forget the indoor sparklers.
Then in our house you shortly follow it with a wedding anniversary. This year it's a whole 34 year anniversary! One of our cards read 'Well done' and I suppose we are not the normal to have been married that long, but I think now we've come this far we will stick with it! Just call us weird, which I guess we, are and proud of it.
This is our Happy Anniversary industrial stool, we have two, so we need more anniversaries to get two more stools and a table at least!
Happy Birthday Mr Barclay and Happy Anniversary to us.