Cold Hollow Cider Mill
You just have to visit Cold Hollow Cider Mill near Stowe if you are in the area.There are three reasons for this: 1: They make amazing hot cider donuts, thats apple to all of you in the U.K
2: You can taste all the wonderful jelly's, Maple Syrups, mustards and butters that they make.
3: You can then buy all the wonderful jelly's, Maple syrups, mustards and butters they make.
This is the famous cider donut making machine, they are bagged up warm and handed straight to you with apple cider to drink.
Today was the lull before the storm, we went off to visit the town of Burlington, all was calm and almost sunny.
Then on the way back things began to change, Hurricane Sandy was making her presence felt! Nothing terrible, just quite windy and threatening skys.
Not a great picture but gives you the idea of the weather.
Anyway in spite of Hurricane Sandy we are still having fun, and the pumpkins keep coming, getting bigger by the day!