Happy Birthday Sam
Don't really want to say this but I will anyway, where does the time go? Today we celebrated my oldest son Sam being 26! Yesterday he was only three running around outside in his Fireman Sam's outfit. Today he is a Graphic Designer/Plumber (odd combination I know but that's the way it's happened) I am pleased that both him and his brother Tom get on so well and are more than happy to spend time together, long may it continue.
Happy Birthday Sam.
Lots of lovely presents.
The nice watch found on 'The Fancy' website and blogged about a few weeks ago.
Sam has amazingly good taste. I love looking through all his new Graphic books, they are very inspiring.
You know they have matured when they ask for nice coffee makers!
We all celebrated with Sam back at 'The Garage Lounge' in Southsea, very chilled and very scrumy cake. This is Ray, Sam's dad, famous for his amazing head of hair and his laughing, looks a bit fierce here but I think he was concentrating!
Myself watching and listening and being quite a bit thankful.
Tom, Sam's younger brother down from London to celebrate.
Rosie, Tom's very lovely girlfriend, she organises us all which I love, it means I don't have to!
Sam who always seems to be smiling, or sleeping or working.