Happy Children in Need Day and good luck Mr B
Mr B has a confession, once a year (yes I can assure you it's ONLY once) he dresses up for Children in Need. This involves a 5.30am start to get ready, then he catches the train to Southampton, walks up and down the train collecting money, then proceeds to spend the rest of the day extracting money from whoever will give it to him.Now you know the saying, 'The quiet ones are the worst' well this applies to Mr B. Years ago he was dared to dress up as a woman and collect money for Children In Need. Never ever dare him to do anything, especially for a good cause, he will take it to the extreme! Before you fall about laughing at the photographs lets get one thing across, this day freaks Mr B out, there is a lot of breathing and calming going on before he leaves the house, it exhausts him, and he doesn't find it at all easy. However he feels if it helps just one child to have a better life then its worth all the agony, we have two very privileged children (young men), who are healthy and able to do their best with their lives, so this is one day of thanks for that.
OK here we go, each year has had a theme, we've had brides, we've had school children, and one year he had a change of heart and went as a male teenager, this was hopeless, the money raised was halved, so back to being a woman for a day. We have had the time when Mr B dressed as a cow girl, he had walked up and down so many stairs during the day that he hurt his leg, this ended up with him being carted off to the local hospital with a morphine drip in an ambulance, and yes he was still dressed as a cow girl when I eventually found him on a ward! Embarrassing or what? Sympathy? Not much!
Good luck today Mr B and I look forward to your clothes returning to the loft for another year! We all think you are very brave and provide people with a good laugh which is what we all need. My lasting memory of each year is of the sound of heels clopping along on our wooden floors, Mr B has to practice wearing the heels at least a week before the day! It's not a good look with his normal clothes!
This years theme is from the film Some Like It Hot.