Lanhydrock House Cornwall
This is Lanhydrock House near Bodmin in Cornwall, it belongs to the National Trust and is a five minute drive away from Lower Margate house.
I have been to a lot of National Trust properties and this is one of the best in my view. The staff are informative and friendly, the majority wear period costume. The house is interesting but not stuffy, the kitchens and servants quarters are excellent, eat your heart out Downton Abbey!
The gardens are stunningly beautiful and, if you are not interested in the house and garden, there are numerous cycle ways and bikes to hire.
My most favourite part was the luggage room, the family obviously travelled extensively! All that old worn brown leather I had died and gone to heaven.
If you are going to be politically incorrect, you may as well do it twice in one go, and get it over and done with! Found this in the nursery.
My favourite room.
I'll blog the garden separately, it deserves its own bit of glory.