Part 2 of our boat trip on the lake.
O.K so I have sorted the photograph problem.Our boat trip was amazing yesterday and we were fortunate to have great sunshine and warm temperatures. This is Rusty McClear the owner of The Inns at Mill Fall's, we were very lucky to have hime take some time out of his busy day to show us around the lake in the beautiful boat Clara. I am full of admiration for this man. I know first (well maybe second) hand how much effort hard work and persistence it takes to build something great and worthwhile. Yes, O.K. it's rewarding, and if you get it right, financially so, but the risks, effort and stress that get you there are long and hard, so to all you Rusty McClears out there a big WELL DONE.
This is Michelle who works at The inns and organised the boat trip for us, thank you Michelle.
A few of the stunning views.
And for all of you boat fans here it is again.