Quilts for Alex and Melia
A while back I blogged about a Quilt for Gail and a Quilt for Dominic, now it is the turn of Alex and Melia, Dominic's brother and sister, Gail's son and daughter.
Mark died very suddenly, the quilts are a way of utilising Mark's clothes into memories for each member of the family.
I'll start with Alex's. You will notice that they are quite different from Dominic's and Gail's quilts. I felt they needed to be more subtle, in a way that Alex would appreciate the meanings of the quilt, but it would not be obvious to the onlooker.
A Royal Navy epaulette appears on all four sides of the quilt mixed in with shirt's from Mark's home and work life. The green and purple stripes are Pyjama ties, I just loved the colours, it brings the quilt to life a bit more.
Each star has a button in the middle, the buttons are from one of Mark's Navy shirts, the background taupe colour were a pair of trousers. Gail was pleased they were used as they were almost new!
The red heart from the famous red shirt had to appear somewhere on the quilt, if you read the other blogs about the quilts you will see why.
On the back of the quilt is a pocket, all from Marks Navy clothes including the name tags.
Three very meaningful pictures for Alex, memories between himself and Mark.
Enjoy Alex, I hope you like the quilt.
Melia's quilt is very similar to Alex's but with a few added twists. Again very subtle, keeping memories private just to Melia.
The stars were cushions that I think I'm right in saying were a gift from Melia's Nanny. They had faded beautifully, giving the silk an antique quality. I padded some of the stars to add texture, they are my favourite part of the quilt.
This is a piece of embroidery that was part of Melia's favourite T.Shirt, worn from being very little until she was just too big to squeeze into it, it was then used by Gail as a duster, however the embroidery remained unscathed!
The bubblegum pink polka dot material with white edging was Melia's Pyjama's when she was little, they were then given to a cousin in the North and retrieved on a recent visit.
Again the famous red shirt.
I couldn't resist another piece of beautiful embroidery from the silk cushions.
A similar pocket to Alex's was added on the back of the quilt.
With extra special pictures contained inside.
Dancing in the moonlight was a favourite song to be sung together, so this beautiful picture seemed appropriate.
I have to mention that I have met Melia twice now. She is stunningly beautiful, has a lovely voice, and a name to die for.
If I was called Melia Crawford-Ewart I would have to have my own design company, Melia Crawford-Ewart Ltd.
Cath Kidson eat your heart out!
Sorry Melia but it had to be said, I think it every time I see you.
Enjoy your quilt.