Reasons for not blogging.
I've been missing for a while and here are a list of my excuses.
I've been very busy, mostly painting.
My 91 year old mum had a pacemaker fitted.
My son finished his Graphic Design degree and got a 1st, plus a commendation for one of his projects. The commendation has been thought provoking.
I, or he, or we, may be taking his commendation one step further, a blog in the future maybe.
Need a clue?
I have wasted lots of time watching the hedgehog that has decided to make our garden his home. We feed him with cat food at about 9pm, if we forget he lets us know by bashing his foot on his bowl outside!
Good job he only comes out at night or else I would get nothing done.
Some of my time has been spent doing loads of stretching and exercise to get rid of a sciatic nerve problem, or laying on the sofa moaning about the sciatic nerve problem!
Rolling your bottom around on a tennis ball whilst sitting on the floor, let me tell you, brings tears to your eyes!
More exercise for me, walking is good as you get to have a good old nose in peoples gardens.
And lastly in my not so spare time, I have been making a very special memory quilt for Gail who I met recently. I will blog about this when and if I have her permission.
I have been considering opening an online shop selling all nice things, anyone interested in that?
So there you have it, I'm hoping for a few weeks of not so much in the fast lane, and promise to blog all things nice. (Hopefully)
See you soon.