A week away after Christmas
Here are some reasons why a week away straight after christmas is a good idea.
You have time for long lovely breakfasts.
You find nice artisan bakers for that special loaf of bread
Amazing cakes appear in great shops.
Eggs are cheap and free range and odd shapes, with some double yolks, and can be found in countryside lanes where people trust you to pay.
On nice long walks you see amazing nature.
You see lovely smelling Daphne to make you think of spring
Winter sculptures appear in beautiful gardens.
Fishing baskets left waiting for the winter storms to subside provide a splash of colour.
Calm reflective waters after the storms, make you quickly forget how rough it once had been.
Sometimes if you are lucky the sky's are a crisp clear blue.
There are beautiful old buildings to visit, and they are not full of tourist's.
Cheerful house fronts that look sort of right on the seafront make you smile, this one reminds me of fruit gums. I am pleased to say that this house looked quite tasteful inside, not that I was being nosey!
Reflective drops of water on plants after the rain shine like crystals.
Not so good when one is on the nose of a sculpture, but it did make me smile.
Remnants of the autumn hanging on for dear life provide nice colour.
My favourite mossy trees are plentiful.
You get to see old friends once again.
Walks away from the hustle and bustle are very relaxing
You find colours that cheer you up in surprising places,
and signs that make you laugh.
You can visit raging seas that invigorate you and freeze you through to your bones.
Colour and texture are all around you
You have time to look at the things you like.
You can find more amazing sculpture that is enhanced by the rain.
Sculpture that surprises and intrigues you, can be found on coastal shores.
Good company, and having time to share things is a must. I must mention that some of the photographs in this blog belong to this man. Thank you Mr Barclay.
It is nice to have beautiful countryside on your doorstep without the need to get into your car to go for a walk.
I must also mention the torrential rain, that made rivers appear where they weren't supposed to be, made huge potholes look like puddles (not good for your car wheels), and on the odd occasion made us just a bit miserable. But it's amazing how a wood burning stove and a bottle of brandy sorts things out.
We were hoping for snow and to be snowed in just before we were due to come home, but you can't have it all.