The kitchen is finished and a special offer for you.
I love wall stickers, my favourite ones are word phrases, check out this one newly installed in my kitchen. If you like this sort of thing then I have a treat for you, you can get 10% off your order. All you have to do is click here choose your wall sticker, then give the very lovely and super efficient people at deluxe wall stickers a call on 0121 3733047 mention the Karen Barclay blog and place your order (please do not place it on ebay the offer only stands if you ring them) They are open monday-friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Do you remember my other wall sticker? Our new baby! I feel a cake coming on or a scrummy loaf of sour dough bread!
Just realised we chose a floor to match our cat Treacle! Some of my inspirational cooker hood magnets, remember I like word phrases all over the house. My very special cooker hood magnet, visit to see why! Put it on your bucket list to visit, this is your U.K ambassador speaking! E-mail me for more info, and to wet your appetite click here for some of my Mill Falls pictures.
Let me know if you order a wall sticker, better still send me a picture once you have put it in place, they are very easy to apply you just need a bit of confidence and patience, you will receive full fitting instructions with your order.