The things you see on your travels!
A trip to Marwood Hill Gardens was on the agenda a few days ago, when we got there we were greeted by an Owl called Sage, she was collecting for the MacMillan cancer support, check out her website to find out more about this stunning bird.What a beautiful and well behaved Owl and a very informative and friendly owner.
Once we had torn ourselves away from Sage we looked around this fantastic peaceful garden, the creation of the late Dr. Jimmy Smart. Dr Smart died in 2002 but the garden is now owned and maintained privately by his nephew, Dr. John Snowdon. If you are ever in the Barnstaple area of Devon it is well worth a visit, and even more so if Sage is collecting!
These amazing swans have been sculpted by Jonathan Cox, go to his website to see more by clicking here.
On returning back to our temporary home for the week this is what we were greeted by.
The Barn Owl played hide and seek for about 30 minutes! The dove is plastic, the Barn Owl is not!
Then it stared us out for about 10 minutes!
The next morning we were treated to a sighting of the Woodpecker, a very cheeky Squirrel, and an abundance of Blue Tits!
Some of my favourite bits of nice the next day.
It's a good job this little sculpture was sold otherwise I might have had to re-mortgage my house!
You could be tricked into thinking it is Autumn!
Castle Drogo was the next stop which has the most amazing chandeliers.
Beautiful window locks.
Lovely old brass taps.
And lots of other nice old things.
I'm looking forward to lots more bits of nice on my travels, be sure to call back. Not forgetting a Thank you to Mr B for some of the above photographs!