10 more of the best from Beacon Hill Boston
As promised here is ten more of the best from Beacon Hill Boston.
I think Halloween may be a little crazy in Boston. As we left the city to come home they were queuing out of the party store and down the block, with security guarding the doors!
We have experienced Halloween in Vermont before, which was good fun, quite spectacular, and was all wrapped up by 8pm with the state police joining in the festivities as well.
10 of the best from Beacon Hill Halloween
Keepsake Quilting New Hampshire
A few of you have asked to see inside Keepsake Quilting on Center Harbor New Hampshire USA.
Rattlesnake Mountain New Hampshire
Running, who'd have thought.
The Oak and the Holly
At the moment I am reading a book called Sissinghurst an unfinished history by Adam Nicholson, who is the grandson of Vita Sackville-West and Sir Harold Nicolson, who made the garden at Sissinghurst.
Sissinghurst Castle Gardens
A cold and frosty morning
Today because it was frosty with beautiful clear blue skies, we headed off to Slindon in West Sussex. It is known for its pumpkin displays which I shall blog about later.
West Dean College West Sussex
For my husbands birthday this year I booked him on a photography course at the spectacular West Dean College near Chichester West Sussex.
Happy Halloween
Cass Sculpture Foundation
Cass Sculpture Park in Goodwood West Sussex is one of the most stunning setting's that I have visited. The owner Mr Wilfred Cass who is in his nineties is a very interesting and clever man, he has had a great life that is recorded in his book called 'Here comes Mr Cass', which can be bought from the foundation.
The last of Hannah Peschar Sculpture garden
Here are the last of my photographs of the Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden, maybe it will entice you to visit over this bank holiday weekend. Enjoy the three days whatever you do. I will be gardening, sewing, eating, sleeping, reading and generally keeping out of the way of the masses and the traffic.