Lyme Regis
I mentioned at the beginning of the week that I was going to post one photograph every day, well FORGET IT, I've got too many to show you to choose just one, plus the sun has come out so I'm all carefree and doing whatever I fancy!So here is how my day panned out today.
Lyme Regis high street in all it's bunting glory!
Antiques on every corner The Mermaid shop and B&B including a female ghost who is very well behaved, I think even if you have a small trace of being artistic inside you, you will find it magical.
This is a description of the Mermaid shop from their web site. The Mermaid Shop is situated in the former Tudor Hotel – one of the oldest buildings in Lyme Regis - in the area that used to be known as the Butter Market. It is a Tudor house, built in the early 17th century. The building is constructed from local Blue Lias stone and timbers salvaged from the many ships wrecked off Lyme Bay, particularly those of the Spanish Armada. A traditional staircase encircles a smugglers’ hide-out. In the cellar below the shop there is a magical well, where the Mermaid of Lyme is said to sometimes rest. A pirates’ treasure chest is hidden in the boards of the shop floor. The owner has a beautiful artist's studio where she creates all sorts of wonderful things.
Mostly the houses in Lyme Regis are beautiful colours in soft palettes of pink blue and taupe.
Apart from this one that reminded me of fruit gums!
A visit to Lyme Regis can never be without a trip to Town Mill Bakery for delicious laid back food.
Pick up your chopping board.
Collect your cutlery.
Choose from a delicious selection of tasty treats, but be quick, once it's gone it's gone and it doesn't take long for that to happen!
Salad in it's very own edible bread bowl.
Help yourself to butter and Jam, there is plenty of it!
Who could resist buying a loaf of bread on the way out, some loaves are enough to feed a small army!
The baker has his work cut out feeding everyone, after trying to make my own bread I have great respect for him.
Interesting places are around every corner.
Even the dogs of Lyme Regis are treated to a bit of classy comfort!
Picturesque little boats are very photogenic.
Of course I can't go anywhere without finding my bit of moss and rust, it makes my day complete.
As you know I'm not keen on bright gaudy colours, but somehow down on the beach they seem right.
Quickly back to my nice rusty coloured pebbled path and a lovely old staircase up to a sea view wall.
Didn't climb up it as fancied keeping both my sea legs intact!
A very lovely warm sunny day spent at Lyme Regis.