Melin Tregwynt and a very special walk to the cove.
Melin Tregwynt is a working woollen mill near Abermawr in Pembrookshire, they make beautiful wool blankets that can be found in John Lewis, Heals and Conran's as well as stores in Paris and Japan.
The mill was very small so we didn't spend much time there, although we did admire the wall of amazing coloured blankets, and the fantastic old machines that do all the work after a 101 years in service.
Just a stone throws away, down a lane, through an avenue of perfect story book trees, there was a stunning pebble cove.
We can spend hours just watching and listening in a cove like this with nobody else there, just stunning.
As we approached the lane to the cove, which was magical from begining to end, there was this beautiful house. You know when you just look at a house and you think, that looks special, and the people who own it are just going to be different, or is it only us that gets that feeling? Well in this instance we were right
From the beautiful house and garden,
To the entertaining side walk to the lane.
And most of all to the effort that went into these smiley wooden faces, they made my day. We took one each just incase. But we can't bear to part with them so we might just have to make some of our own.
This walk was one of the highlights of my holiday, it made me smile. Plus it's so rare to have somewhere so beautiful all to yourself for a few hours, we loved it.
A nice afternoon spent in the depths of Wales in October with beautiful weather, perfect.