There's nothing like a good auction
I do love a good auction, there is the casual looking around at the auction preview, rummaging for something special, then the thrill of the auction itself.
Some times there are great bargains, sometimes things just slip away out of your price range, that's when hands have to be kept firmly in pockets!
I was very glad that I was not at the auction for a set of Camberwick Green figures, I couldn't have trusted myself to keep bidding. However I was at the preview and my bid went straight in. Obviously I am not the only one that remembers watching Camberwick Green with great fondness as a child, as my bid was somewhat laughable.
Not to be dettered, I now have my own small collection from other sources, I'm not quite finished yet as I have my favourites.
You have to have the full set of 'Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew, Cuthbert Dibble and Grubb' of course, and no set would be complete without six soldiers to, 'ride along on an army truck on a rumpity bumpity army truck' now would it?
Can you name them all?
Windy Miller
Pugh, Pugh, Captain Flack and Grubb
Captain Snort, Major Grout and a soldier
Mrs Lovelace and Mrs Honeyman
Chippy Minton and NibsI've just remembered Mr Mannings the printer which I must add to my list, oh and a gardener and.....
Click on this link to be reminded just how simple life was.