Some of you by now will know what I like and what my tastes are from previous blogs. I have been bombarded with all things Easter on my travels just lately, which largely seems to have consisted of pale sugary colours, something which for me, no matter how hard I try I just can't do, so when I found this beautiful time warn container I new that I would be able to do my own personal take on Easter.Now those of you who like all the sugary colours that's fine, I love them in other peoples houses, magazines, etc but in my own house it just doesn't work. Maybe I need a selection of houses to rectify this problem! Anyway here is what I have done with my gorgeous sludgy new container.
I gathered together some foliage, flowers, wire, oasis, twigs, natural moss and fake eggs.
I started by placing the twigs (for me the wilder the better) into the oasis container.
Then added all the dark foliage.
Followed by some paler foliage to give it a bit of a lift.
The larger single flowers were then cut down and placed randomly throughout.
This gives a bit more substance to the arrangement.
Each egg was pierced with a darning needle and a thick wire inserted into the hole. The eggs thankfully are plastic so this job was an easy one! Plastic, but very tasteful plastic, I'm sure you will agree!
The whole thing is coming together now.
Lastly I added the moss wherever I felt it would look good, it's really just another texture to add to the finished look.
It's always nice to have someone cast their critical eye over what you are doing, fortunately this pair of critical eyes cannot speak, she was probably thinking mmmmm eggs = birds!
Voila the finished piece, my take on Easter and not a sugary colour in sight! Hope you like it.
Lastly I just have to mention this lovely gift I was given today of some quails eggs. They are just amazing, I am told they will be lovely fried with a small amount of tiny chopped up bacon on brown malt toast as a starter or a special tiny treat for Easter breakfast.
Have a lovely Easter Friday when it arrives, I am helping my lovely friend Rosie cook cakes for a baby shower. This could be entertaining as my cooking skills are sometimes not my best asset! We do have some tricks up our sleeves though and what might not taste marvellous will look wonderful, I hope.