Country Stores.
The things you see whilst visiting a New England Country Store are amazing, all sorts of weird and wonderful things, some that you remember from when you were little.O.K half the stuff you really wouldn't want, however there are some good items to be purchased and some amazing food samples. Its fair to say that you could probably have your lunch just from going around all the food samples, the one we visited was Weston Country Store in Vermont.
I would love this old truck for my gardening trips minus the pumpkins.
A huge assortment of chutneys and pickles for you to taste.
Maple Syrups in all shapes and sizes.
Sweets from your childhood years, or should I say candy.
Vermont cheeses and meats, and yes you can have pumpkin cheese!
Resting on the porch after all those samples.
The old mill across the road from the country store was beautiful.
The houses in the town seem to know that a hard snowy winter is just around the corner.
My favourite house from today, such beautiful colours, every window had a candle flickering in it, so inviting, I would have loved a look inside it looked very well kept.
Plus it had the two most beautiful looking dogs sat on the front lawn, and so well behaved.
Talking of dogs, the country store also sold weather vanes if you need one! Rosie this one is for you.
More fall decoration.
Waiting for the snow.
Today I must mention that the photographs you are looking at from all the New England blogs are mine and Mr B's, don't want to upset him for not giving him half the credit!