Halloween in Stowe
At around 2pm about 200 small children paraded around the town in their Halloween costumes, the whole small New England town, (village in the U.K) turned out to see children and moms and dads all kitted out in various outfits. It would seem that Halloween in the U.S means you can wear whatever you like, it doesn't have to be scary.Then in the late afternoon people started to decorate the fronts of their houses and porches with all sorts of elaborate things. Between the hours of 6pm to 8pm is officially Trick or Treat time, the state police marshall the main road and people come from far and wide, all across the mountains and surrounding areas. Unlike the U.K people live a lot more spread out with sometimes miles inbetween each house, so these events are special. The town gives bags of sweets to any houses or shops wishing to open their door for trick and treat, we were relieved to hear that, as we reckon about 500 people were in the town, thats a lot of candy if you have to buy it yourself! Our night photography is not the best but here is a feel of Stowe at Halloween.
Mr B got all dressed up and ready!
Notice the pug dog on the right bottom corner, he came as a hot dog!
Some of the houses went all out, chandeliers and skeletons. This house must have seen 500 visitors at their door during the course of the evening. Candy and hot apple cider were flowing well.
This scary cats head moved as you left the house and hissed at you.
Most parents joined in the dressing up in the early afternoon.
The very young joined in as well.
Gravestones appeared on front yards.
Scary stuff at some windows.
Some of the shops joined in which was nice to see.
Early trick or treaters get in first.
This house was incredibly popular, they must have had good treats!
A fire pit was used to toast marsh mallows for passers by at this home.
All in all a good evening was had by young and old alike, everyone was very polite and just had good fun for a couple of hours. Then the state police called it a day and everyone went home.
So there you have it, three weeks in New England, we've enjoyed it I hope you have too. My only disappointment was no snow, we have Hurricane Sandy to thank for that, she pushed cold air away and bought warm air with her to Vermont. Next week Vermont is set to have snow, it will be stunningly beautiful and the towns will fill with everyone wanting to ski, snowboard, or take thousands of photographs! I was ready, I was so ready!
What next? Must be Christmas!