My friend Julie, a brand new Mini and a barking dog called Lottie!
Let me introduce you to my friend Julie, we worked together many years ago and have remained friends, we have similar interests and have a bit of a passion going on for starting up a business, so if anyone out there has a spare barn in a good location and a money tree let us know please! She is also a fantastic cake maker and cook, more about that on monday.Recently she visited New England with her family so you may notice some similar things to those in my house including various quilts. Julie has a Labradoodle called Lottie who is lovely but has a slight problem with barking! If anyone knows of a miracle worker that can stop dogs barking when unfamiliar people visit please let me know, Julie will be eternally grateful! Apart from that she is a lovely looking dog with hair to die for, I'm sure you will agree. Great excitement this week as Julie has bought a brand new Mini, her old car resembled more of a boat with lovely moss growing on the inside, now you know I am partial to a bit of moss, but not on the inside of a car. The new Mini is fantastic with such cool features and brilliant design work, I particularly love the speedometer, now try telling the police officer you didn't realise what speed you were doing with a speedometer that size, it is huge! Julie has two beautiful daughters, the eldest one is called Jo and is studying to be a teacher at Brighton Uni, Lucy is a fantastic artist and has made a few things I have featured in my previous blogs, I will show you some other things she has made on mondays blog. The box full of New York memorabilia is one of her designs, and all the bedroom pictures are hers. I love the lights and the small suitcases full of Art and Design books. Having only had boys it's nice to have a nose around a girls bedroom to see all the lovely things they have. Now can anyone come up with a good name for Julie's Mini? Feel free to leave a Mini name in the comments. We will be taking the Mini to fill her/him up with pumpkins in a few weeks time, how many pumpkins do you think you can get in a Mini? I will show you soon after we have made our trip to Slindon pumpkin cottage.