Odle Farm

The camera's new home

My old camera has arrived at a very lovely place called Odle Farm near Honiton in Devon Erin who is 12 was taken along by her Mum on a  "Photography on 2 wheels" course, (book both for a nice relaxing week away). You know how it goes, you take your children along with you to keep you company on something you fancy having a go at, and they end up being far better at the task in hand than you! But that is how it's supposed to go right? My sons definitely know and have done far more than I probably ever will, so I've done my job as a Mum.

Unexpected weekend

Don't you just love it when something unexpected and nice happens, if you are like me you lead a busy life, you work (even if you are at home) life gets a bit sucked down a big hole and you forget to notice the small everyday things that are just as lovely as the big exciting things. You get snitty with your partner because at the end of the day you are tired, (don't you love that word 'snitty") this is what my husband sometimes say's I am, which is not so good!

Anyway to get back to the nice unexpected things, we are off to Odle Farm for a long weekend, not planned at all, we will walk, talk, eat, have nice coffee, take pictures providing I can get the hang of my new camera, visit some galleries in Honiton, drool at the lexington goodies in the Peter Betteridge shop, visit Lyme Regis and the lovely Town Mill Bakery, see our friends at Odle Farm, it's been a long time, watch the shooting stars whilst sitting in the hot tub, and I will not be snitty!

Have a good weekend whatever you do, I will be back on Monday with hopefully some new pictures and places that might tempt you.

A gorgeous Lexington video for you to drool over, enjoy. Especially for my friend Dave B, check out all those cushions!

Enjoy my house Tom and Rosie, you deserve the rest.
