My Home

I blame the rain!

This was how my day started, at work by 6.30am finish by 12.30, then gardening was on the agenda. I am so far behind with gardening due to the rain. Yesterday, as you can see from my previous blog, was like summer so to be hurled straight back into a damp dull day is not funny, still nothing you can

Summer was here briefly today!

This afternoon summer appeared in my garden very briefly, everywhere looks very green and lush after all the rain, my Bee houses are weathering nicely as are my frogs! A certain furry creature was busy looking for birds, frogs or really anything she could catch.

What to dress a cloakroom window with?

Take two H&M Linen table runners and sew curtain tape to the long length of one for the valence, screw a batten of wood above the window and pin the table runner with no curtain tape on it to the batten, then pin the valance over the top of that, tie back the curtain with a slate heart and some string. Add a few of your favourite things to the windowsill and there its all dressed. EASY!

I've framed them all.

I have at last framed all my cards that were in a recent blog do you think I can fit this many in a very tiny downstairs cloakroom? Watch this space. Take note of the 'Happy' picture it was printed by a very talented company called 'A two pipe problem' visit their website if you love all things graphic, the Hambledon in Winchester sells their goods if you live on the south coast.

New Cloakroom

Don't be fooled by the title of this post, I am getting a new cloakroom it's true, this time next friday all will be started, floor removed along with old toilet and sink and yukky pipes. However I thought it would be boring to just show you the new shiny cloakroom so here in all its ugliness is the old revolting cloakroom minus everything that was crammed in there. It's not the biggest cloakroom you have ever seen but I bet it's one of the ugliest!


Over the years I have made many quilts. I was originally inspired by the New England Folk Art look, and 99% of my materials are American as I love all the earthy colours that you don't seem to get in English materials. The soft flannel material is my favourite, it's very cosy. My quilts are made to be used not to be put on show and not touched, my son's had them (and still do), when they were smaller they watched TV wrapped up in them, pulled them around them for comfort when they were ill, and they have taken them with them to their new homes.

Cooking for a baby shower.

After saying on yesterdays blog that I didn't do sugary colours today I have spent my entire day with just that!We baked for a baby shower to be held on Saturday, I discovered that a lot of icing sugar and butter makes me feel decidedly ill to say the least, however we are pleased with our end results but I don't want to see any more icing sugar this side of Christmas!

What was it?

Some of you by now will know what I like and what my tastes are from previous blogs. I have been bombarded with all things Easter on my travels just lately, which largely seems to have consisted of pale sugary colours, something which for me, no matter how hard I try I just can't do, so when I found this beautiful time warn container I new that I would be able to do my own personal take on Easter.

Easter, Chocolate, Plans, and a bit of a quiz.

It's nearly Easter, I plan to eat chocolate for breakfast, help a certain person make cakes for a baby shower, clear out the loft mmmmmm nice! eat chocolate for dinner, have friends and relatives around for Easter lunch, eat chocolate, sleep, read, take photographs, oh and eat chocolate.

Unexpected weekend

Don't you just love it when something unexpected and nice happens, if you are like me you lead a busy life, you work (even if you are at home) life gets a bit sucked down a big hole and you forget to notice the small everyday things that are just as lovely as the big exciting things. You get snitty with your partner because at the end of the day you are tired, (don't you love that word 'snitty") this is what my husband sometimes say's I am, which is not so good!

Anyway to get back to the nice unexpected things, we are off to Odle Farm for a long weekend, not planned at all, we will walk, talk, eat, have nice coffee, take pictures providing I can get the hang of my new camera, visit some galleries in Honiton, drool at the lexington goodies in the Peter Betteridge shop, visit Lyme Regis and the lovely Town Mill Bakery, see our friends at Odle Farm, it's been a long time, watch the shooting stars whilst sitting in the hot tub, and I will not be snitty!

Have a good weekend whatever you do, I will be back on Monday with hopefully some new pictures and places that might tempt you.

A gorgeous Lexington video for you to drool over, enjoy. Especially for my friend Dave B, check out all those cushions!

Enjoy my house Tom and Rosie, you deserve the rest.